Our Vision

Our vision is a future where we soar high, a Christian community delighting in learning and enjoyment for all. We encourage self-belief and bravery: developing the flair to be ourselves. Together, respecting and loving the world and all in it.

‘To give you hope and a good future’ (Jer 29:11)


Our vision is underpinned by the teachings and miracles of Jesus Christ, who through the stories he told and through his actions he encourages us to be kind, loving, respectful to all, to have faith when times are hard and to keep going in the face of adversity. 

These teachings and miracles can be seen in;

The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25

Jesus heals the paralysed man - Luke 5:18

Jesus heals ten men with leprosy - Luke 17:11

There many other miracles and teachings of Jesus that show us how to flourish.