The Colour Monster 

We have had a lovely start to the new term and have been learning lots about emotions and colours. We have been reading The Colour Monster and drawing pictures to show our feelings. We have made our own monsters with the playdough and sorting colours on the light box. We have discussed the Colour Monster's feelings and what makes us happy, sad, angry or scared. 


We have been learning all about Diwali, the festival of light. We have used the characters to retell the story of Rama and Sita and learnt about how families prepare for and celebrate Diwali. We used scarves and ribbons in our dances to traditional music and made diva lamps with the playdough. We practised our counting and number recognition and finished off with a tasty Diwali snack of Indian street food. 

The Very Helpful Hedgehog

We've been learning all about hedgehogs in Nursery. We started by reading The Very Helpful Hedgehog and learning all about hedgehogs. We counted the correct number of spikes onto the hedgehogs and made our own hedgehogs with the playdough and clay. We practised our scissor skills and printed patterns with apples. We also painted some amazing hedgehogs.


We had an exciting trip out to The Lowry theatre to watch 'Stick Man.' We joined in with the singing and clapping, laughed along with the story and loved seeing Santa at the end of the show. It even snowed on us while we were in our seats!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

We have started the Spring Term with a traditional tale - Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been using lots of language to describe and compare sizes such as big, medium sized and small. We have been retelling the story using the small world toys and matching the bears to the correct sized bowls, beds and chairs. We even made our own porridge and ate it all up at snack time. It was just right! 

Lunar New Year

We had a great week learning all about Lunar New Year celebrations. As this year is the year of the snake we made Playdough snakes and made comparisons between the different lengths using words such as "long" and "short." We practised our scissor skills, using them to snip the noodles and make lanterns. We took part in an exciting dance workshop, learning a sequence of movements and putting them together to create a dance. 

Owls Visit

Nursery had some very exciting visitors this week! Katie from SMJ Falconry brought three different owls in to show us. We learnt all about where they live, what they eat and their special features as well as getting to see them fly. We even got to hold one of the owls using a special glove. 

Pumkin Soup by Helen Cooper

We have had a very busy week with lots of pumpkins. We started by reading the story Pumkin Soup by Helen Cooper and then made our own delicious pumpkin soup. We retold the story with the small world characters, used our fine motor skills to hammer pegs into the pumpkins and made our own pumpkin faces in the playdough with the 2D shapes. We practised our counting and number recognition with the pumpkin seeds and conkers and enjoyed pretending to make soup with the pumpkin in the water tray. 

Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day we made our own poppies and wore them when we went to visit the war memorial. We saw lots of poppy wreaths and took a moment to remember all those who have fought in wars to keep us safe. 

Christmas Open Morning

Thank you to everyone that attended our Nursery Christmas Open Morning. We had a fabulous time playing, making Christmas crafts, singing and eating festive treats. It was lovely to have lots of parents join us and together we raised over £200 to spend on new resources! A huge thank you and Merry Christmas to everyone. 

Little Red Riding Hood 
We really enjoyed this traditional tale! We retold the story using the small world story props and dressing up clothes. We made delicious red cakes for Grandma to make her feel better with the Playdough. We also took the opportunity to discuss strangers and talked about 'safe strangers' that we could talk to if we needed help such as police officers.
Maths- Number 5
We have been exploring different ways to make five with the Numicon shapes.
The Elves and the Shoemaker
We really enjoyed this story and learnt some new skills. We did some sewing with the needles just like the elves in the story. We had a walk to the local cobbler's shop and had a look at the machine that polishes the shoes, watched the cobbler fit a new heel on to a shoe and had a look at all the different shoe laces and shoe polish. We did some lovely role play in our shoe shop, trying different shoes on for size, paying the shopkeeper and mending the shoes. We are also very good at singing 'Cobbler, Cobbler mend my shoe.'