What is a fossil?

 In Reception class we were surprised with some fossils. We asked who, what, where, when and why questions to figure out what they were. We inspected them and tried to link them to a plant or animals. We chose a non fiction book that would also help us learn about fossils. 

RE- What makes us special?
In RE we have been learning about what makes us special and special times for us and others. We listened to the Mega Magic Hair Swap by Rochelle Humes and discussed how in the end the characters realised what made them unique made them special. We thought of who, what, where and when makes us feel special. We then went onto paint times we have felt special like birthdays; made thank you cards to others to help them feel special and drew in the door ways we can make others feel special.

Chinese Dance 

This week is culture week. We have been learning about China and the Autumn Moon Festival. Today Dance Days came to school and gave us a great Chinese dance workshop!


We went to Little Play Town. This was a great opportunity for us to learn about people who help us and play in their roles. We covered: vets, doctors, shopkeepers, construction, actors, police officers and  working in the post office.

Porridge making

In class we have been reading the book Peepo by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. We spotted mummy making porridge. We had a go at making some porridge and it was very yummy! We used our pouring and mixing skills and spoke about how the porridge changed when going into the microwave.

The Worrysaurus- Feelings

We have been reading the Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright. We have been discussing feelings of the main character and how different scenarios changed his thoughts and feelings. We made a list of all the feelings the Worrysaurus had in the story and then showed this on our face using a mirror. This helped us learn how feelings can look and also helps us to recognise feelings through body language. 

Welly Walk- Signs of Autumn 

During our Welly Walk the children spotted conkers on the ground and had many questions- so we set off on a hunt for conkers. The children really enjoyed looking at the trees to see if they were conker trees. The best part was finding them on the floor and some shells too!

Remembrance Day 

For Remembrance Day we made poppies. We spoke about the history of the poppy and what they represent and then took them to the Remembrance garden and saw lots more poppies and wreaths. 

Wonder Moment- why do we get snow? 

Today we went out in the snow. This was a great wonder moment for: seasons, melting, freezing and how to build a snowman!!! It was lots of fun!

Houses from the past and junk modelling.

When reading Peepo we have been looking at houses from the past and how they have changed. On our welly walk we looked at different types of houses. Then we planned, built and evaluated a junk model street.