Multi Sports

WE WON! We competed with other Year 2 classes in Todmorden in Multi sports. Our favourite was the hockey dribble, and the balance. We spent the morning at the Sports centre and had so much fun!


Maths- greater than, less than and equal to

In maths, we have been using greater than, less than and equal to symbols are used to compare numbers and establish whether a number is bigger than, smaller than or equal to another number. When one number is bigger than the other number; we use greater than sign >. When one number is smaller than the other number; we use less than sign  > .

Geography- Seven Continents 

We used globes, maps and atlases to explore the seven continents. We then focused on the Arctic and Antarctica, and compared similarities and differences.

Maths- 10 more and 10 less

In Math's we are working on adding 10 more and 10 less. We have used Base 10 to represent our numbers. 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Workshop 19.11.24
We had a workshop, and we learned all about the law of the courts. Children explored people who can help us in our everyday life, from the police officers and fire fighters to paramedics.
We also looked at the:
  • Learn about the law and justice system
  • Understand the importance of the 999 service
  • Explore the roles in a courtroom
  • Be encouraged to think about what is right, what is wrong and the consequences of their choices
  • Discuss and debate to reach a verdict and decide an appropriate sentence
Drama - Frieze frame
As part of our topic about London, we imagined walking down the streets of The Great Fire of London, what would we do? What would we say? We then listened again to the story, and froze some frames of the story as we heard it.
Making 3D shapes - cube 
The biggest challenge of today’s maths was making 3D shapes using spaghetti and playdough! We definitely needed to demonstrate our school value of perseverance and were so proud when we achieved it. It helped us consider how many edges and vertices a cube had.

Maths- Place Value

We have used base 10 blocks  as a visual representation of numbers. They have been helping us to build and understand our place value of digits in 2 digit numbers.

Science- Materials

In Science we are learning about materials. we have been looking at how different materials are used to make different objects because they have the right properties.

English- Fact File 

In CLPE, we have focused on Mr Penguin's chase with the crocodile, we explored the character of the crocodile. We watched video's of how they move, and how they catch heir prey. We enjoyed building up to our big write on a fact file. 

Culture Week

Culture week was a huge success. and we looked at harvest time in Indonesia. We had so much fun learning the culture, language and the festival. 

Design Technology - Making Leek and potato soup 
Year 2 have enjoyed learning about healthy foods, a balanced and varied diet and seasonality. They sampled different types of soups (packet, tinned, fresh, condensed) and found about their main ingredients and how healthy they were. Next, they learned about foods that are reared, grown and caught and seasonality.  As a class, the children designed a soup and then learned and practised cutting skills in preparing the ingredients and cooking it. The final part of the process was the tasting and the evaluation. The children suggested ways to ‘finish’ the soup and considered whether it met the design brief.
Art - Observational drawing 
Year 2 continued their Drawing unit with an observational drawing. We used natural materials for inspiration to recognise and describe shapes then used mark-making techniques (such as cross hatching, squiggling, stippling, scribbling and circular scribbling)  to add texture.